Version Française

Custom Developments

I specialize as a freelance developer for big and small companies. My various customers include Apple, Chanel, and some smaller profile people, but my approach of all these clients is that they deserve the best of my efforts, whoever they are, and whatever the need.
I specialize in Mac OS X software, although I sometimes do web applications, BSD/Linux tools, Java programs, etc.
Since Mac OS X is a pretty extensive API collection, I had the opportunity to specialize in some fields. I am not restricted to them, but these I know in depth:


I just keep here a few projects I have done on my free time. I hope it will be useful, someday, but I don't take it too seriously either

Here is the famous Import to DVD Studio Pro, an AppleScript droplet that was used during my days at Apple. It doesn' work on the more recent ones, since Apple has dropped the scriptability of the pro apps.

This is a Java project that is not very interesting on its own, but that uses quite a number of reusable tricks.

I have here a prolog section that contains a few example programs. And this is a Java section that contains a Java version of majordomo. It is not fully functionnal, but I guess the basis is there.

A project I am rather proud of: DesInstaller, a small utility that is used to remove Apple's pkg installs.

A small tool that helps me a lot for my daily/nightly work: AlphaBeta (beta phase right now).

My teacher's utility : Highlight